Are you sure you want to abandon the changes to this charity?
\nWeek Day | \nOpen | \nClose | \n\n | ||||
\n | \n Closed | \nClosed | \n{{ hours.openTime | date:'shortTime' }} | \n{{ hours.closeTime | date:'shortTime' }} | \n\n | \n \n | \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n | \n
{{ component?.description }}
\n\nAre you sure you want to delete this draft?
\nAre you sure you want to publish the current draft?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the current draft?
\nAre you sure you want to de-activate this content?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the changes to this service area?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the changes to this service area?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the changes to this promotion?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the changes to this service area?
\nAre you sure you want to abandon the changes to this store?